On Thursday, February 26, 2015, young
women from McDonogh #35 High School were honored by the City Council for
their participation in the Pontchartrain Chapter of The Links, Incorporated's "Rising Stars" Program. Each girl was presented with a certificate and had a brief opportunity to witness city government in action by sitting in on the City Council Meeting for 45 minutes.
The honorees were accompanied by former Senator and Councilmember
Diana Bajoie, Services to Youth Chair Centrell Alfred-Ewell, President Sarah Moody Thomas and other members of the Pontchartrain Chapter. The Rising Stars mentoring program strives to
improve academic and social success through education, community development,
and volunteerism.
District "C" Councilmember Ramsey said, "The young women from McDonough #35 High School have provided a great service to Links organization. These young women are role models for the youth of our City and an inspiration to all of us. I am proud to recognize these outstanding young women and the Pontchartrain Chapter of the Links organization."