The Pontchartrain Chapter of The Links,
Incorporated recently hosted a reception in honor of chapter member Carolyn
Lewis, National Treasurer of the organization. The event was held at Zea's Restaurant
in New Orleans in recognition of Lewis’ years of dedicated service and role as a
national officer.
Immediate Past President and Reception Planning
Committee Chair Hattie Broussard,
National Treasurer Carolyn Lewis and The Arts
Committee Chair Jacquelyn Bates
In addition to chapter members, guests in
attendance included members from the New Orleans and Crescent City chapters of
The Links, Incorporated; Lewis’ sister, Cheryl Lewis; and Lewis’ pastor, C.S.
Gordon. Pontchartrain Chapter member Jacquelyn Bates had the honor of
recognizing the special guests who were in attendance.
Area Director Eneid Francis, National Treasurer Carolyn Lewis,
Pontchartrain Chapter President Sarah Moody Thomas
Highlights of the evening included remarks
from the Southern Area Director for The Links, Incorporated, Eneid Francis;
Pontchartrain Chapter President Sarah Moody Thomas; and Immediate Past
President of the Pontchartrain Chapter and Reception Committee Chair Hattie
Broussard. Lewis also received Proclamations from several political leaders,
which Pontchartrain Chapter member Regina Bartholomew presented. Lewis ended
the evening with remarks giving her heartfelt thanks for the reception and
gifts received.